Youth not in education or employment, or NEET, are youth aged between 16 and 24 years who are not in employment, education or training. These young people have very high risks that prevent them from living a normal and productive life. At ReEngage, we are convinced that enabling these people is not only a social need but a necessity for creating better societies. Here’s more information on why reconnecting disconnected youth is important, and how our programs are helping.

Youth not in employment, education or training are a significant proportion of any population. Based on current research, about 4.6 million youth in America are categorized under this group. These individuals are economically vulnerable, they cannot get education or any job and so can never be economically productive members of society. Another problem is social isolation; they have no places to go, no school, no job to attend and they end up feeling out of place. Also, they are more likely to participate in risky behaviors or having mental issues or even encounter the justice system.

In fact, there are various factors that lead to the disconnected youths and they are not limited to. These are the system, family, poor, and no role model. Solving these concerns requires a community approach which is in line with the ReEngage program.

The implication of marginalizing disconnected youth is enormous since everyone and the community as a whole stands to lose. Getting these youths back into school and to work means they have a chance to change the poverty trajectory of their lives, and those of their families. It can also foster families by enabling young men to have the capacity of being responsible fathers thus a positive chain to future generations. Also, reengaging youth betters community welfare by reducing crime rates and revitalizing neighborhoods; economically, it creates a supply of qualified workers and decreases dependency on welfare.

At ReEngage, we address these critical issues through our commitment to transforming young men into responsible leaders. Our programs are designed to provide education, empowerment, and employment opportunities to men in Kansas City and beyond.

The Man Class is our signature program, designed to equip young men with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed as fathers, employees, and community leaders. Participants learn personal accountability, developing a mindset of responsibility and resilience. They also gain essential life skills, including financial literacy and effective communication, which empower them to navigate adulthood. The program prepares participants for sustainable careers through mock interviews, resume building, and direct connections to local employers. Since its inception, The Man Class has trained over 100 men, helping them chart new paths toward success.

ReEngage actively involves participants in community-focused initiatives like the Bancroft Landscaping Project. These efforts provide hands-on experience while fostering a sense of ownership and pride in their neighborhoods. Through the landscaping project, participants developed teamwork skills and contributed to transforming a neglected area into a welcoming space for the community.

Recognizing the importance of first impressions, ReEngage has also distributed over 150 suits to program participants, ensuring they are prepared for job interviews and workplace success. In addition, we partner with local employers to secure meaningful employment opportunities for graduates.

The true measure of our success lies in the stories of the men we’ve supported. Derrick, for example, dropped out of high school and felt trapped in a cycle of hopelessness. Through The Man Class, he gained the confidence and skills needed to secure a full-time job and reconnect with his family. Jamal, once involved in the justice system, found a second chance through ReEngage. Today he not only has a job but also is helping other young men in his society to have the same. These stories are excellent examples of how reengagement can change lives and the whole society for the better.

Even though our programs have progressed considerably, there is still much that needs to be done. To better address the needs of disconnected youth we need more funding to increase the amount of programs that we provide. It also entails developing community linkages with relevant agencies, schools, and employers to ensure the child has support in all aspects of his/her life. Awareness is the other area as it is important to ensure that the society gets to understand their struggles and fight for policies that will address the youths who are out of touch with society. All of them are quite useful and offer a chance to develop and experiment. These obstacles can be surmounted with the help of our community’s on-going support and thus; extend the positive reach.

It is important to understand that reconnecting youth who have dropped out of school is a community process and there are several ways to participate. Supporting our efforts means providing for the necessary programs and tools that we provide to people in need. Your time and effort can help change lives, by acting as a role model for participants or helping out with our endeavours. Supporting our mission by informing your contacts about our work helps spread the word about our cause and gain public support. Organizations and companies can collaborate with ReEngage to offer employment, mentorship, and support to advance our missions.

Getting youth back in school is not charity work; it is the imperative for ending social injustice and poverty. We, at ReEngage, have worked hard to build the foundation on which change can happen, and we are excited to see the improvements we have brought to people’s lives and their neighborhoods. But still there is much work that needs to be done. When you contribute to our mission you assist in giving young men a chance to rise above their circumstances and succeed. Please go to to gain more information about our programs, testimonies, and how you can support such a crucial ministry.

The Importance of Reengaging Disconnected Youth: A Look at Our Impact